business intelligence processes

Business Intelligence Processes

Business intelligence processes aim to transform raw data into meaningful insights. This enables companies to define goals and strategies, improve operational processes, and formulate action plans. The business intelligence processes are as follows:

Data Collection and Data Integration

Data collection involves gathering data from different sources and storing it. Collected data is transferred to data warehouses or data lakes. Data typically originates from various systems and sources. Processing this data may involve merging, cleaning, and organizing it. No single software can handle every task at once. Different software can be used for different tasks within a company and coordination can be achieved through proper integration. For instance, a company might use an ERP software for internal operations and a different software for e-commerce. When these are well integrated, the capabilities of the ERP system improve, yielding better results.

Data Storage

Data storage is the process of storing collected data in a secure location where it can be easily accessed. This step involves preparing and storing data in a suitable format for processing. Data can be stored in databases or cloud-based storage services.

Data Analysis

This step involves analyzing the data in Business intelligence processes . By using business intelligence tools and methods, data is examined, situations are identified, and objectives are determined. Business intelligence encompasses the process of transforming this data into more meaningful information.

Data Visualization

Using the analyzed data, meaningful reports and visualizations are created through dashboards in Business intelligence processes. Interactive visuals such as graphs, tables, and maps make the data more understandable. Reports provide necessary information for managers and employees to make data-driven decisions.

Data Presentation and Distribution

The created visuals are shared with relevant individuals in Processes. At this stage, data is presented to managers, departments, or other stakeholders. Business intelligence tools usually enable effective data distribution. Dashboards created through authorization in business intelligence tools can be shared within the software, locally, or in the cloud. They can also be exported as PDF files to share with relevant individuals.

Decision Making and Implementation

Decisions are made based on shared data and reports. In this stage, companies define goals and strategies, improve operational processes, and formulate action plans. Business intelligence results contribute to the growth of the business.

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ERP Consultant and Business Intelligence Expert

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